I have been privileged to take part in the following accomplishments of our city:
Completed the Animal Shelter
The Excelsior Springs Animal Shelter opened. The project was paid by Capital Improvement Authority.
Voter Approved Smoking Ordinance
Upon voter approval, the City Council established an ordinance to prohibit smoking in public places inside the city limits.
Street and Bridge Improvements
The City entered into an agreement with MoDOT for the Route 10 Bridge Replacement Project. Farris Street was redesigned with new decorative lighting and sidewalks. Finished in 2015, the project received a Special Recognition Award during the Clay County Economic Development Council’s Keystone Award Luncheon.
Encouraged Single Family Housing Development
Council initiated a program for construction of up to 15 new, single-family residences by waiving fees for building, plumbing, electrical and heating permits; plan review fee; grading permit; sewer inspection fee; sewer tap fee; and water tap fee (except the actual cost of the meter and related parts provided by the city).
Sewer Extension Projects
Communities for All Ages
The City of Excelsior Springs entered into the Bronze Level of participation in the Communities for All Ages program in cooperation with MARC and Clay County Senior Citizens’ Service Board. Bronze Level is $3,000, Silver Level is $1,500 and Gold Level is $750 for a total cost of $5,250, with CCSS covering 50% and the City covering the remaining 50% ($2,625).
Golf Course Planning
Council began planning efforts to construct a new Golf Course Clubhouse and Golf Hill Subdivision for future housing development.
Community Center Planning
Conducted Community Center Phase II planning which included public meetings and surveys, followed by the development of architectural drawings in anticipation of future expansion.
Hall of Waters Planning
A Hall of Waters Drainage and Flood Control Study and HVAC Study were conducted as part of the Hall of Waters Rehabilitation Project.
Public Safety Partnerships
Council approved the MARRS radio system construction and implementation to connect Excelsior Springs Police Department to the Metropolitan Area Regional Radio System. In addition, an agreement was made with MARC to provide microwave links for the MARRS system. The Public Safety Sales Tax Oversight Committee approved funds for immediate radio system needs.
Keep Residents Safe at Home
An ordinance change was made to better accommodate the use of residential ADA accessible ramps. Accessible ramps requirements were changed to better accommodate residents who, through age and/or physical concerns, have increased challenges navigating stairs to and from their homes.
Keep Children Safe at School
Added Public Transit Route for Medical Needs
Our transit system travels over 35,000 miles transporting 15,000 passengers annually. Our vehicles are ADA accessible, open to the general public for shopping, employment, medical, recreational and educational needs. In 2020, the City expanded its service to coordinate a medical service to our local Dialysis Center, Hospital, and Medical Clinics. During peak hours three busses are operating.
Approval of Excelsior Springs Hospital Lawson Clinic
Council approved an Intergovernmental Agreement with Ray County Memorial Hospital to allow the Excelsior Springs Hospital to relocate its Lawson Clinic in the Ray County portion of Lawson at the former Dr. Cantrell office facility.
Downtown Improvement
Approved the creation of a Downtown Community Improvement District. The Downtown Villas created 30 new residential homes on Excelsior Street.
Voter Approved Community Center
Voters approved a 1c retail sales tax for construction of a Community Center and bonds were issued not to exceed $18 million for a period of 25 years.
Support For Tourism
The City Council approved an ordinance allowing short-term rental (Airbnb) establishments. This fills a gap that we have in tourism accommodations. Decorative fountains were installed on Elms Boulevard in conjunction with the Elms Hotel improvement project.
Public Safety Improvements
Public Safety Sales Tax funds were used to update the Police Department Evidence Storage Room. The upgrade allowed cabinetry for fragile items, such as DNA and blood related evidence. The upgrade also included moving from filing cards to electronic software-based barcode system.
Summer Sewer Tax Credit Program Reestablished
When residents asked me about the Summer Sewer Tax Credit Program, I advocated for it to be reestablished and other council members supported that request. The program provides relief for families that use extra water in the summer months for watering yards, gardens, filling swimming pools, etc., where the water does not enter the sewer system.
Future Planning for Hall of Waters Redevelopment
Purchased the old bank building from the Frances A. Denny Trust for $135,000, paid from the general fund. The best use of the Hall of Waters is not as city offices. In order to plan for redevelopment, Council invested in the downtown building for relocation of offices, municipal court and council chambers.
Solar Fest Party Held
I had the pleasure of working with Sharon Powell and Courtney Cole to head the Solar Fest celebration for Excelsior Springs. Discovering that we were in the “Path of Totality”, our efforts, in partnership with the BBQ Committee, provided us a once in a lifetime opportunity to showcase our community for tourism. Our fundraiser efforts paid for the event and funds left over were donated to the Excelsior Springs School Foundation to purchase a kiln for the Art Department.
ISO Rating
The City of Excelsior Springs achieved an Insurance Services Office (ISO) Rating of 2. On a scale of 1 to 10, a 1 rating is the highest that can be achieved. The ratings calculate how well-equipped fire departments are to put out fires in their community. The ISO provides this score, often called the “ISO fire score,” to homeowners insurance companies. The score helps homeowners receive a better insurance coverage rate and is attractive for business development.
Communities of Excellence
The City of Excelsior Springs became a participant in the Baldridge framework of Communities of Excellence. The program has developed into “Excelsior Thrive” that brings residents into the planning process for community development.
Public Infrastructure Improvement Grant
Community Development Block Grant funds of $750,000 will aid construction of a second digester at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. The project will serve the entire City of Excelsior Springs. The cost estimate is $1,588,420. City grant match is $450,000 from Capital lmprovements, $300,000 from remaining bond project funds, and the balance from sewer revenues.
Utility Bond Refinancing
The City was able to take advantage of a virtually unprecedently low tax exempt interest rate to refinance water and sewer bonds for a combined interest rate savings of $3,209,357.
CARES Funding/Assistance
In March, the code for delinquent utility bills was temporarily relaxed on the disconnection of water accounts for unpaid balance through April. Unemployment due to COVID-19 was added to the reasons Good Samaritan Center can provide up to $160, two times/year for water utility help. In May, Council executed documents related to disbursements of Coronavirus Relief Fund Allocations from Clay County, Missouri. The City of Excelsior Springs received $1,035,000 in CARES funding.